The 158th Fighter Wing Structure and Roles:
The following are Wing staff functions report to the wing commander. A wing staff function may be referred to as an office, for example: a public affairs office. The senior staff member is referred to as the chief.
Public Affairs: Delivers candid counsel and guidance to commanders to communicate timely, truthful, accurate, and useful information about Air Force activities to DoD, Air Force, domestic and international audiences. Provides visual information (“VI”) services and VI documentation of significant events. Gives commanders awareness of the public information environment and the means to use it as part of Air Force air, space, cyberspace, and information operations. Provides expert advice to assist leaders in making and communicating decisions affecting mission accomplishment. Employs communication tools to link Airmen and their leaders. Plans, develops, executes, and evaluates strategies and activities to obtain informed public understanding and support on issues impacting Air Force operations. Directs media and community relations activities. Provides security and policy review of publicly releasable information. Only wings with host installation responsibilities are authorized a PA office without SAF/PA waiver.
Safety: Advises commanders and supervisors on safety requirements and issues. Manages wing USAF mishap prevention program to help preserve vital resources and enhance mission capability.
Staff Judge Advocate: Advises wing and subordinate commanders on military justice and disciplinary matters. Prosecutes courts-martial and represents the government in administrative separation hearings. Provides personal legal assistance. Provides legal advice to military investigative agencies. Represents Air Force interests in environmental, civilian labor and utility rate matters and advises on contract law and related civil law issues. Acts as Air Force liaison with Federal, state and local legal authorities. Advises commanders and staffs on international law matters. Drafts and reviews operation and exercise contingency plans for compliance with the law of armed conflict.
Command Post: Implements emergency action and quick reaction checklist procedures and controls assigned forces; operates communications systems; maintains and provides communications security and area security; monitors alert force status; monitors airfield, weather and navigational aid status. Coordinates and reports maintenance actions to the appropriate leadership.
Chaplain: Provides spiritual care and the opportunity for authorized personnel to exercise their constitutional right to the free exercise of religion by conducting religious observances and providing pastoral care. Advises leadership on spiritual, ethical, moral, morale, core values and religious accommodation issues.
Information Protection: Wing’s principal advisor on the implementation of the Air Force’s Personnel, Industrial, and Information Security programs used to define risk associated with the protection of collateral classified national security, controlled unclassified, and other sensitive information. The Personnel Security Program concerns matters related to processing security clearances and documenting derogatory information on cleared personnel. The Industrial Security Program concerns national security matters related to contractors performing work on projects that require them to have access to classified information. The Information Security Program includes working with original classification authorities; marking of and defining protection standards and risks associated with classified national security, controlled unclassified, and sensitive information; and training regarding wing information protection security programs.
Plans: Develops, coordinates and publishes wing plans. Acts as the exercise administrator of the Crisis Action Team (“CAT”), Installation Command Center (“ICC”) and Emergency Operations Center.
Equal Opportunity: Assists commanders at all levels to proactively engage all Airmen in the pursuit of equal opportunity by fostering and supporting equal opportunity, the Air Force Core Values and the Airman’s Creed through day-to-day actions and implementation of various EO programs (e.g., complaint program, human relations program, climate assessment program, Alternate Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) program – including conflict consulting, Affirmative Employment Program, Disability Program and Special Emphasis Programs). Educates and trains all Airmen to make workplace professionalism a top priority and to take proactive steps to prevent, correct and eliminate unlawful discriminatory behavior.
Inspector General: Plans, directs, conducts and monitors inspector general programs. Manages the wing Commander's Inspection Program (“CCIP”) and evaluates the wing's self-assessment as the wing’s gatekeeper for all inspections. Inspects and reports on the wing's management of resources, leadership, improving the unit and mission execution to the commander. Evaluates wing plans through the execution of exercise scenarios to allow inspection in accordance with the commander's intent. Trains and oversees the Wing Inspection Team (“WIT”) members. Responsible for the overall administration of the IG Evaluation Management System (“IGEMS”) and oversight of the Management Internal Control Toolset (“MICT”). Analyzes deficiency trends and tracks deficiencies to closure.
The 158th Comptroller Squadron Roles: Provides financial analysis and services, including budget development and execution, cost and economic analysis, pay and travel services and liaison with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (“DFAS”).